You’ve asked, and we’ve listened. Massive thanks to each one of you who wants to help spread our work to disseminate the latest in nutrition research. With more than ten years’ worth of informational content, several books and cookbooks, and our newer resources, including guides and infographics, we have plenty of ways for you to share in whatever way works best. Here are some suggestions: 

1. Share a Video

Watch our Traffic Light Dining System video in which Dr. Greger explains his traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods, and share it with others. 


2. Download the Evidence-Based Eating Guide and the Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide

Check out our Evidence-Based Eating Guide, and share it with others to help them simplify making the switch to a healthier lifestyle. You can download it for free in English, Spanish, and Chinese, and request a print version here. And don’t forget about our Daily Dozen Meal Planning Guide. This resource will help you incorporate the Daily Dozen checklist into your meal planning.


3. Share Our Infographics 

Read through our infographics on vitamin B12, vitamin D, plant-based meat, and sweet potatoes, and share any (or all) of them.


4. Share Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen App

What are some of the healthiest foods that we should eat every day? Check out Dr. Greger’s free Daily Dozen app, and share it with friends and family. You can even encourage others to start a challenge to see how many streaks they can achieve. 

5. Start Cooking

Cook a dish from The How Not to Die Cookbook or The How Not to Diet Cookbook, and share with friends and family. For more Green-Light recipes, check out our recipe page


6. Share NutritionFacts Resources with Your Health Professionals

The next time you see your doctor or dietitian, introduce them to Dr. Greger’s work. Show them the Evidence-Based Eating Guide on your phone, or give them a business card


7. Donate Copies of Dr. Greger’s Books

Leave copies of How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, or any of his cookbooks in places with public bookshelves, such as Little Free Libraries or a shelf in your favorite cafe.


8. Host a Book Club or Screening

Are you a part of a book club or interested in starting one? Suggest How Not to Die as the next title to read! Learn more about the book here. Why not consider hosting a screening of Dr. Greger’s “How Not to Die” or “Evidence-Based Weight Loss” presentation? Happy viewing!


9. Volunteer with

We can’t do our work without the help of volunteers. Please consider signing up for our volunteer newsletter here to stay up-to-date with tasks and projects you can do to support For instance, do you have a strong background in professional translation? Our videos and blog posts are translated by volunteers. Apply here to help make this life-saving information more accessible to people all over the world. 


10. Stay Connected!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and share our posts. You can also add a link to in your email signature so every recipient of a message you write is introduced to our work. For instance, add this line to your email signature: Check out for the latest in nutrition research.

If you believe in our mission to share the latest evidence-based health and nutrition information for free to the public, please consider making a donation here

We hope these are helpful ways you can encourage healthy habits and share potentially life-changing information with others you know. As usual, everything on our website and platforms is free, and all of the proceeds from Dr. Greger’s book sales are donated to charity. Thank you for your support!