Empower Your Health!


With practical health resources

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Laws of Health 

Just like there are laws of nature (like gravity) there are also laws of health. If we follow these principles we are sure to reap rich rewards.

Awesome Attitude

With so many of us facing unprecedented losses and challenges, we must have an attitude of gratitude.

Pure Water

Almost all of our body’s complex processes rely upon water. We need pure water on the inside and outside to enjoy good health.

Invigorating Exercise

While most of us know that exercise is very important the reality is that few of us actually do it. Just do it!

Delicious Diet

Research shows us that the more whole plant foods we consume the better our overall health will be. Choose plants today!

Spectacular Sunshine

Sun brings life to nearly every living thing on the planet. Make sure you get enough of its golden rays.

True Temperance

It teaches us to enjoy the good things of life in moderation and completely avoid things that will harm us.

Energizing Air

The air we breath has a profound effect on our overall health. Do what you can to improve the quality of your “personal air” as well as the air around you.

Restorative Rest

Our 24/7 society often leaves us frazzled and exhausted. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night, one day of rest per week, and regular vacations.

Fabulous Faith

Scientific research clearly shows us that people who have faith in God have stronger immune response, faster healing, and lower overall risk of death. 

Articles & Tips


Here are a few articles that we think you will find very helpful in your journey toward abundant health!

Obesity’s Impacts on Gallstones, Acid Reflux, and Heart Disease 

Obesity’s Impacts on Gallstones, Acid Reflux, and Heart Disease 

Sufficient, sustained weight loss may cut the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes in half. In the ABCs of health consequences of obesity, G is for Gallstones. The top digestive reason people are hospitalized is a gallbladder attack. Every year, more than a million...

Obesity’s Impacts on Our Brain, Dementia, and Fertility 

Obesity’s Impacts on Our Brain, Dementia, and Fertility 

Weight loss can decrease dementia risk and improve mental performance and fertility. As I’ve discussed previously, in the ABCs of the health consequences of obesity, A is for Arthritis, B is for Back Pain and Blood Pressure, C is for Cancer, and D is for Diabetes....

Obesity’s Impact on Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Cancer, and Diabetes 

Obesity’s Impact on Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Cancer, and Diabetes 

Losing weight can reduce sciatica, hypertension, and cancer risk, as well as reverse type 2 diabetes. In the ABCs of the health consequences of obesity, A is for Arthritis, as I discussed in my previous blog post, and B is for Back Pain. Being overweight is not just a...


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